Phuket, Thailand

Phuket is pronounced with a "P" not an "F," and is a coastal city in lower Thailand. Off the coast of Phuket is Phi Phi Island (also pronounced with a "P" not  "F"). Phi Phi island is in several movies including the movie "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio. We stayed at a beach resort and went to Phi Phi Island one day, and a show called PhantaSea the following night. The rest of the time we laid around the pool or on the beach. It was how life was meant to be. Sadly, Phuket was one of the towns devastated by the Asian Tsunami of 2004.  Many of the films from the disaster were from Phuket since it was a large tourist resort area.


Thai Tiger

We went to a show called PhantaSea in Phuket, and while you waited in the lobby they had baby elephants and a baby tiger to pet. Donna and I got our picture taken with this tiger cub.