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These are pictures that I have taken throughout my Army career.


I have included a huge amount of pictures that I have taken. The majority of these pictures are not include in my Photography section because these pictures are more-or-less snapshots. Some photographs, like this one seen here (left), I have included in the section because I find it "artistic." Below I have added the pictures as thumbnails to reduce the download time, if you want to see a larger version of the picture just click on it! Once again, Enjoy!








                  DSC00358.JPG (734932 bytes)     










           Cheerleaders (close).jpg (136541 bytes)     Cheerleaders (far).jpg (114709 bytes)     Picture 009.jpg (547841 bytes)   

 Picture 011.jpg (566179 bytes)     Picture 014.jpg (430034 bytes)     Dustin and Puppy2.JPG (72731 bytes)     PILOTS32.JPG (80828 bytes)